Graham Blyth

Employment/ Place of Work:

University of Leeds, Mechanical Engineering

Country of Residence:

UK and Australia

How I fit the course work into my life

I didn't! Some bits of my life had to wait a while - it wasn't always easy but seems well worth it now.

My most cherished interaction on the programme:

There were many times when I greatly appreciated all of you out there. In particular my involvement with Ernst early in H802 did a lot for my comfort and confidence in what was a very new field. The volumes of literature and style of interaction were a challenge and Ernst offered me a lot of suppport - (I wonder if you realised). In later interactions Erica and Janice were particularly influential in my groups workings through both the frequency of their contributions and their openness. Finally, being listened to and quoted by others when I really was exploring my own understanding was quite a buzz. The trust that existed was very liberating.

Which of the different course models suited me best?

I found H801 with all the reading the easiest, though I think I got far more from the challenge of group working in H802.

Answers to the Vice Chancellor's questions:

In what ways am I putting into practice the ideas and understandings I developed on the programme:

My department is making its first forays into the world of ODL. I am looking forward to working with colleagues and helping them to develop courses. More immediately I have been developing my own campus based teaching and our use of the Internet from a solid foundation.

What did I find the most stimulating part of the programme:

For me the underlying educational theory was very new and very influential. Coupled with the exploration of new technologies this offered me a very exciting insight in my own practice and opened up whole areas for growth. Without the theoretical underpinnings and many examples of practice the uncertainty would have stalled development.

What value was the global nature of the programme to me:

People brought insights and experience and cultures. The differences and overlaps were often quite unexpected (to me!). What came through was a passion for education and a wealth of experience that can be drawn from. There aren't many courses where I could have moved from England to Australia for half a year and carried on unimpeded.

Did I find it isolating or impersonal to study this programme?

There were certainly times when I found my studies isolating though, on balance, this was not a great problem. There were times when I struggled to keep motivated or was struggling with concepts and, good though the technology was, it couldn't allow support in the same way as personal contact. I learnt a lot from our reactions to asynchronous communication and think that H802 was a good starting point for removing barriers and bringing people together.

Did I find this relevant to my work:

There are the obvious direct links between the course content and my work here. There are also other aspects of the way the course was conducted and the exposure to theories and technologies that are very applicable and helpful.

Has it changed my life in any way:

I've stayed the same… but the world of education (at least) seems to have changed a lot!