Steve Selby

Employment/ Place of Work:

Trinity Bible College & Seminary

Country of Residence:

United States of America

How I fit the course work into my life

I was glad of the somewhat asynchronous nature of the course in that I found myself working on the program at all hours of the day. I had to work on it whenever I could find a few minutes here or there.

My most cherished interaction on the programme:

I certainly enjoyed the team collaborative efforts in reviewing various on-line courses.

Which of the different course models suited me best?

Classic distance education with on-line tutoring suited me best, although I did fine with the independent project work. The collaborative would have been fine on a more local model. However, the global nature of the group caused me scheduling fits due to the time differential.

Answers to the Vice Chancellor's questions:

In what ways am I putting into practice the ideas and understandings I developed on the programme:

I have already submitted my insights from this course in respect to our 5 and 10 year projections. I am in a posistion now to help guide the decision-making pocess on how vigorously to pursue new types of multi-media delivery.

What did I find the most stimulating part of the programme:

It was extremely stimulating to me to do assignments that called for me to apply the information taught in some form or fashion to the institution for which I currently work.

What value was the global nature of the programme to me:

Since I am studying in the United States it allowed me to take the courses. It really opened my eyes to the extent to which distance education has been embraced in countries outside the United States and Great Britian.

Did I find it isolating or impersonal to study this programme?

I did not find this course isolating or impersonal because of the accessability of the tutor by telephone or email. I also was able to communicate freely with other students as warranted through email or workbook postings.

Did I find this relevant to my work:

My work is in a self-directed distance education institution so I was not surprised to find the coursework relavant to my work. I was surprised to find out just how much it was both relavant and practical in application.

Has it changed my life in any way:

Upon receiving notification that I had successfully completed the program I received a promotion to Associate Academic Dean.